
WebGL front-end GUI for V2Verifier testbed. This interface shows real-time vehicle location, motion, and direction of travel (as shown below) rendered on a 3D map built from OpenStreetMap data.

Screenshot showing GUI


You will need a mapbox key in order to render the GUI. Obtain a key (available for free) from mapbox, and store it in a file called key.js in the osm-gui/open-street-map-gui/webapp/scripts directory.

Open a terminal and cd into osm-gui directory. Create a new Python virtual environment (e.g., with virtualenv) and activate it.

Install dependencies with

pip install -r requirements.txt


To run the GUI itself, open a separate terminal and cd into the open-street-map-gui subdirectory. Launce the GUI (it will open in Google Chrome, if installed) with

python gui.py

In the original terminal, run the sample program that renders synthetic vehicle data on the GUI with

python main.py


This is an in-progress and heavily under development component of the larger V2Verifier project. Currently, our GUI is built largely in Javascript, with data from OpenStreeMaps rendered using WebGL and the mapbox toolkit.